2016 was an eventful year, personally and politically, I started a new job, tried new things and I developed as a person. I thought I would share my top three lessons from 2016, in the hope that it may help you all.

Don’t compare myself to others.

I don’t know whether it’s just because I am getting older or because I spend too much time on Facebook (!). I think I was sliding into a pattern of comparing myself to others. I quickly realised that if I keep doing this I would never be happy with myself or my achievements, and that is not OK. Everyone has different challenges to face, and no one is a copy of me. So if I keep judging myself like this, I end up belittling my own achievements. It is OK to be proud of myself and I can be truly happy when others succeed (instead of beating myself up!). If I feel like I’m slipping, I remind myself of that.

Try new things.

I didn’t try a massive amount of new things in 2016, but I tried acting, which was an experience that really helped me open up to people. This had mixed impacts, people aren’t always who you think they are, but I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to act, and meet other visually impaired people! Trying new things, for me, gives me a new appreciation for life. I also started a new job, which was not easy, but such a good move for me! It’s challenging and fun. This year, I am going to visit lots of new countries, so many places to see!

Valuing myself.

2016 has taught me that I need to value and look after myself more. I think sometimes people prioritise everything else, looking after other people, work, etc., that they forget about themselves. I am not quite sure of how I am going to do this yet, but I will work that one out and soon! Remember to value yourself because as the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

What did you learn from 2016? What are your plans for the year?

2 thoughts on “2016

  1. Another great read!
    It’s crucial to look after yourself especially when your life is very hectic. It gives you perspective to see what truly works for you. Looking forward to the next post already:)


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